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Green Leaves


Jungle Gym for Grown-Ups:

Why Bringing the Outdoors In Makes Us Better Workers

Ever feel like your office saps your energy faster than a rogue phone charger?


You're not alone. Sterile environments devoid of nature can leave us feeling drained and uninspired. But what if the key to a happier, healthier workday was a little closer to home – or rather, a little closer to the forest?

Enter biophilic design, the concept of incorporating natural elements into our built environments. Think less "hamster wheel office" and more "urban oasis." Studies are showing that surrounding ourselves with plants and natural features isn't just aesthetically pleasing, it's a productivity powerhouse.

Creativity Takes Root:​


Feeling stuck in a rut? Biophilic design can spark your creative fire. Studies have shown that exposure to nature can boost creativity and problem-solving skills. Imagine a brainstorming session in a space filled with vibrant flowers and cascading vines. Suddenly, those out-of-the-box ideas might start flowing more freely.

Nature's Noise Cancellers:

Open-plan offices can be a recipe for distraction. But fear not, plant warriors! Studies suggest that strategically placed plants can act as natural sound barriers, absorbing and deflecting noise. This can create a calmer, more focused work environment, perfect for those deep concentration tasks.

Plants can increase performance at work

Indoor plants do not only look and smell nice, they could save your life, according to scientists from research by the World Health Organisation. Prof Kays said: "As well as the obvious health benefits, the increased use of indoor plants in both 'green' and traditional buildings could have a tremendous positive impact on the ornamental plant industry by increasing customer demand and sales." 

Adding plants to indoor spaces can reduce stress, increase performance at work and reduce symptoms of ill health.  

Desk plants improve health

Research found that the presence of individual desk plants (AKA work pet plants) in offices can significantly reduce fatigue, stress, dry throats, headaches, coughs and dry skin. Studies have found that 'plants can contribute to lower stress levels,'  and dust levels in the workplace can be reduced by up to 20 per cent when foliage plants are introduced. 


Part of our human make up is to enjoy nature and this includes the presence of plants. Plants show that your company cares about the office environment, its staff and corporate image.

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Connection with Nature:

Biophilia highlights the importance of our relationship with the natural world. By understanding and nurturing this connection, we can improve our well-being by incorporating plants into the office environment. In doing so, businesses can create a work environment that not only supports employee well-being but also contributes to a more positive and productive work experience.

Nature's Stress Busters:

Picture this: you walk into a meeting room not filled with stale air and PowerPoint slides, but with a calming water feature and lush ferns. Sounds pretty zen, right?

Biophilic design can significantly reduce stress and anxiety. Research suggests that exposure to greenery triggers the release of mood-boosting hormones and lowers cortisol, the stress hormone. Basically, plants act as tiny office therapists, calming our nerves and promoting a sense of well-being.

Sharper Minds, Greener Workspaces:

Ever feel like your brain hits a wall after lunch? Studies show that biophilic design can enhance cognitive function and focus. Plants can act as natural air purifiers, filtering out toxins and increasing oxygen levels, leading to sharper minds and improved concentration. Imagine brainstorming sessions fueled by the fresh scent of a peace lily, not yesterday's takeout!

​Beyond the Greenery:


​Biophilic design isn't just about houseplants (although they're definitely a big part of it!). Think natural light, calming water features, or even incorporating natural textures like wood and stone. Every element that connects us to the outdoors can contribute to a healthier and happier work environment.So, the next time you're feeling the office blues, remember – a little touch of nature can go a long way. Talk to your boss about incorporating biophilic design elements and watch your workspace transform from a productivity black hole to a thriving oasis for your well-being and creativity!

Plants make us happy:

People who work in a “green” office surrounded by plants, are happier than people who work in offices without live foliage.

Improved Air Quality:

Plants act as natural air filters, removing toxins and pollutants commonly found in office environments, such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. This can lead to improved air quality and potentially fewer headaches, respiratory problems, and allergies for employees.

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For more information on the benefits of plants in the workplace and for your onsite design consultation,

please get in touch.

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