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Plant & Irrigation System


Beautiful Nature


Biophilia is a word coined by Harvard professor E.O. Wilson to describe the innate need humans have to connect with nature and other forms of life.



Adding plants to a working environment makes it much more pleasurable, healthy and certainly more welcoming as you approach through the doors or walk into the office interior

Biophilic Design with Plants:

Biophilic design, incorporating natural elements into the workplace, is a powerful tool to enhance employee well-being and contribute to net zero business goals.


Here's how plants can be a key player in achieving both:

Wellbeing Benefits of Plants in the Office:

  • Stress Reduction and Improved Mood: Studies indicate that exposure to greenery can have a calming effect, lowering stress levels and promoting feelings of relaxation. This can be particularly beneficial in reducing work-related stress.

  • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Exposure to nature has been found to improve cognitive function, including memory, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Plants can contribute to these benefits by fostering a connection with the natural world, leading to increased productivity

Improved Air Quality: Plants act as natural air filters, removing toxins and pollutants commonly found in office environments. This can lead to improved air quality and potentially fewer headaches, respiratory problems, and allergies for employees.

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Net Zero Benefits of Plants in the Office:

  • Reduced reliance on HVAC systems: Healthy plants can help regulate indoor humidity levels, potentially reducing the need for heating and cooling systems. This translates to lower energy use and a smaller carbon footprint.

  • Improved Building Material Performance: Plants can help buffer fluctuations in temperature and humidity, potentially extending the lifespan of building materials and reducing the need for replacements.

  • Employee Well-being and Sustainability: A healthy and happy workforce is more likely to be engaged in sustainability initiatives. The positive impact of plants on well-being can contribute to a more sustainable company culture.​

Biophilic Design Strategies with Plants:

  • Variety is Key: Mix and match different plant sizes, textures, and colors to create a visually interesting and stimulating display.

  • Strategic Placement: Consider placing plants near workstations, break rooms, and common areas to maximise their impact on employee well-being.

  • Low-Maintenance Options: Opt for plants with low water and fertilizer requirements to minimise resource consumption and create a more sustainable office landscape.

  • Living Walls and Green Roofs: For a bold statement and significant air purification, consider incorporating living walls or green roofs into your office space. These features not only enhance well-being but also contribute to energy efficiency.


By thoughtfully integrating biophilic design principles with plants, businesses can create a work environment that not only supports employee well-being but also contributes to achieving net zero goals. This approach fosters a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce while minimising the environmental impact of the office space.

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