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Fire-Fighting Foliage? The New Super Plants
Plants having a number of benefits besides medicine and food sources is nothing new, however some of the latest findings from the world...

Plants in Hospitality - A 2017 Study
Research conducted this year by Terrapin Bright Green and Human Spaces into the effects of plants in an hospitality environment throw up...

Biophilic Healing in Action: Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
A hospital in Singapore has harnessed the healing power of plants and incorporated greenery into their design. The Khoo Teck Puat...

Artificial Plants - As Good As The Real Thing?
It is well documented that we humans crave a connection to nature, particularly within the workplace environment where there are expected...

Sick Building Syndrome - How Plants Can Prevent It
Sick Building Syndrome may sound rather strange, but it's alarmingly common amongst white-collar workers. The condition describes a range...

How Plants Make Offices More Comfortable
Plants have been praised for their health benefits since ancient times, and in today's modern society, we still continue to use them in...

Levels of Engagement Improve in Green Offices
Those familiar with the study 'The Relative Benefits of Green VS Lean office Space: 3 Field Experiments by Nieuwenhuis M will already...

Long Term Effects of Plants on Workers Studied by Cardiff University
Scientists believe that the unique biology of plants may be the reason behind the improvement of employee well-being when greenery is...

Indoor Plants Absorb Noise in Offices
More and more workplaces are beginning to realise that plants are more than just an attractive decor piece for the office but that they...

Upcoming Study into Plants & Raising Business Profits
Further research into the benefits of office planting is to be conducted by industry experts. Engage4Success (E4S) and Lucy Sweeney,...
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